The month of May is Disability Insurance Awareness Month

Why Disability Insurance should be the foundation of your financial and insurance plan.

Most everything we do in life requires that we pay for it. Your housing in the form of rent or a mortgage payment, transportation, education, food, travel and leisure, it all costs money. Most of us get that money from the income provided by our employment.

When I ask clients – ‘What is your biggest asset?’ I get varying answers but most often the answer is my house, my retirement account, or my savings. The right answer though is Your Ability to Earn an Income. For many people the income they earn during their lifetime will be in the millions of dollars. Doesn’t it make since to protect that income?? We buy insurance on our homes, our cars, even our cell phones but strangely we forget to buy insurance on the biggest asset we have. This is what we should protect first! Continue reading